
Sisk is an lightweight web framework designed for fast and robust development, which allows you to take the full control of what you want to do.

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                using Sisk.Core.Http;
                using Sisk.Core.Routing;

                class Program
                    static void Main(string[] args)
                        using var app = HttpServer.CreateBuilder(host =>

                        app.Router.SetRoute(RouteMethod.Get, "/", request =>
                            return new HttpResponse(200)
                                .WithContent("Hello, world!");


Robustness hidden in it's simplicity

Sisk allows you to create quick or large projects with as less code as possible, quickly, focused on enabling development your way.

With Sisk you can create:

Restful APIs
Cloud services
Native AOT apps
Game servers
File servers
And more!

Simple and robust development.

Sisk can do web development the way you want. Create MVC, MVVC, SOLID applications, or any other design pattern you're interested in.

  • Lightweight: robust projects tested in small, low-cost, low-performance environments and got good results. The entire Sisk ecosystem is less than 500kb in size!
  • Open-source: the entire Sisk ecosystem is open source, and all the libraries and technologies we use must be open source as well. Sisk is entirely distributed under the MIT License, which allows the commercial development.
  • Sustainable: you are the one who makes the project, Sisk gives you the tools. Because it is open source, the community (including you) can maintain, fix bugs and improve Sisk over time.

Get started with Sisk:

PM> NuGet\Install-Package Sisk.HttpServer

A single development for everything .NET provides.

Get all the firepower of .NET in your project, and export the same code to Windows, Linux or Mac.

The world's leading organizations are powered by .NET and trust Microsoft to make .NET the industry's best choice for their mission-critical software. Sisk is very inspired by .NET development methodologies, making him feel at home when working with the framework.